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Veggie Bags

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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Fair Trade light draw-string cotton bags in a mesh weave made with certified Fair Trade cotton. This product is great alternative to using plastic bags when purchasing fruit and vegetables, making a great sustainable alternative.  

Size: 33cm x 36cm

Uplifting people in India who have disabilities. MESH care deeply about supporting those with disabilities. MESH provides training, marketing and designing opportunities for many Artisans across India.

Uplift Fair Trade is a Fair Trade organisation with a vision to educate and empower Australians to uplift people all over the world through ethical purchase, creating opportunities for disadvantaged artisans.

Fair Trade is more than just trading:

It is a vision of business and trade that put people and planet before profit

It fights poverty, climate change, gender inequality and injustice

Is a proof of concept that showcases the enterprise models of the new economy